
Homecoming Weekend 2018
August 20, 2018
Park University alumni from across the country and their families will converge on the University’s Parkville Campus for Homecoming Weekend 2018, Thursday through Saturday, Sept. 13-15. While a number of activities during the weekend are reserved for Park alumni and their families, many events are open to the public.

Shawver Promoted to Associate Provost Post
August 9, 2018
Park University has announced the promotion of Brian Shawver to the role of associate provost for teaching at learning. Shawver began his new duties on Aug. 1.

San Antonio Area Graduates 2018
August 6, 2018
Park University’s Lackland Air Force Base (Texas) Campus and Randolph Air Force Base (Texas) Campus held a combined commencement ceremony on Aug. 4 at the St. George Maronite Catholic Church in San Antonio. The University had 98 students eligible to participate in the ceremony — three students received a master’s degree, one student received a graduate certificate, 92 students received a bachelor’s degree, one student received a bachelor’s degree and an associate degree, and one student received an associate degree.

El Paso Area Graduates 2018
July 23, 2018
Park University’s El Paso (Texas) Campus Center and Fort Bliss (Texas) Campus Center held a combined commencement ceremony on July 20 at the El Paso Convention and Performing Arts Center. The University had 195 students eligible to participate in the ceremony — 20 students received a master’s degree, one student received a master’s degree and a graduate certificate, 152 students received a bachelor’s degree, 10 students received a bachelor’s degree and an associate degree, six students received a bachelor’s degree and an undergraduate certificate, and six students received an associate degree.

Minot AFB Graduates 2018
July 23, 2018
Park University’s Minot (N.D.) Air Force Base Campus held its commencement ceremony on July 20 at the Minot Municipal Auditorium. The University had 28 students eligible to participate in the ceremony — all 28 received a bachelor’s degree.

Holloman AFB Graduates 2018
July 23, 2018
Park University’s Holloman Air Force Base (N.M.) Campus has announced its 2018 graduates. The University had five students eligible — four students received a bachelor’s degree, and one student received a bachelor’s degree and an associate degree.

New Gilbert Arizona Campus
July 18, 2018
Park University, which has supported students from around the globe in pursuing their higher education dreams since 1875 from its flagship campus in Parkville, Mo., will open a campus center in Gilbert, Ariz. The University has been approved by the Higher Learning Commission and the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education to begin offering classes in Gilbert commencing with Park’s Fall II 2018 term, which begins Monday, Oct. 15.

Park University To Offer Varsity ESports Program
July 16, 2018
Park University has announced its intentions to offer a varsity esports program starting in Spring 2019. According to the Kansas City, Mo., based National Association of Collegiate Esports, Park is the first college/university in the Kansas City area to offer a varsity esports program.

Laughlin AFB Graduates 2018
July 16, 2018
Park University’s Laughlin Air Force Base (Texas) Campus held its commencement ceremony on July 13 at Anderson Hall on the base. The University had seven students eligible to participate in the ceremony — one student received a master’s degree and six students received a bachelor’s degree.