Parkville MOVE-IN DAY
As a Park Pirate, you enter into a tradition founded upon faith in yourself and willingness to labor with integrity and vigor. We welcome you into that tradition and will be with you along your journey! Move-in Day instructions will be emailed. Contact the Office of Residence Life with any questions.
Welcome home Pirates! As you are embarking upon uncharted territory, Park University is prepared to help you navigate these waters. Our Office of Student Life is hosting a New Student Orientation (NSO) that will prepare new students for a year of success. NSO is mandatory for all new students to Park University and is inclusive of transfer students and first-time freshmen.
Join us for NSO on Saturday, August 9, 2025, at 9 a.m.
Check in is on the Chapel Lawn from 8:15-9:00 a.m. and will include a mini-resource fair.
Parent Orientation
Ahoy! Student Life is hosting a Pre-Recorded Virtual Parent Panel to further support new parents, their families, and their students. We will partner with Athletics, the Academic Success Center, Financial Aid, Student Accounts, Residence Life, Student Success, and the Warrior Center to answer questions and ensure your student is prepared for their Park transition.
Help us customize your orientation experience by completing the registration form below (* notates a required field) and submitting any questions for the panel. Filling out this form ensures you receive a link to this Parent Panel by August 4, 2025.
RSVP: Parent Panel – Pre-recorded Video
If your Park University Journey is starting online, we have an Orientation just for you! We have partnered with our learning management system (Canvas) to provide your orientation through the platform you will be using for your online classes.
You’ll have access to your new student orientation non-credit course by logging into Canvas and accessing SOS101 – Student Orientation & Services two weeks before your course begins.