Diversity and Social Justice Certificate
Specialize on issues of diversity and inclusion, inequality, and social change.
Specialize on issues of diversity and inclusion, inequality, and social change.
The sociology program offers a certificate in Diversity and Social Justice. The aim of this certificate is to offer students a specialization on issues of diversity and inclusion, inequality, and social change. Formalizing this knowledge and skill set is increasingly important and marketable in today’s society as more organizations implement diversity initiatives. The certificate is interdisciplinary with courses offered in all three colleges. To complete the certificate students will take 12 credits with one required sociology course (SO 206: Social Issues in Contemporary Society) and choice of three electives across the curriculum. The electives are divided into three topic categories (Public and Community Engagement, Global Perspectives, Examining Inequalities) and students will be required to take one course within each of the categories.
Chair, Department of Culture & Society
Professor of History